- find a place to meet online for our session that has high speed wifi, privacy, good lighting and a comfortable place for you to sit
- silence all alarms and notifications
- take notes during our session
- spend 3-5 minutes before and after our session to get settled, take a few breaths and think about what you’d like to have happen in the session or takeaway from it.
I discourage:
•eating •alcohol •driving •interruptions
Instructions for Online Therapy set-up:
When you schedule your appointment, you’ll receive the invitation to “Join video call” using meet.google.com. If you’ve never used google meet before, go ahead and click on that link. You will be prompted to download the google meet app.
At the time of your appointment, click on the link to join the meeting with your therapist. Sessions are 50 minutes.
Feel free to call or text with any questions or concerns. 512.814.6580