Premarital Consultation


Before you come in…

Please bring a completed Couples Intake for each of you. We’ll discuss the Prepare-Enrich Assessment in our first meeting. If you are interested, you’ll be set up to do that Assessment following our first meeting, so that we can use the data provided on your relationship’s unique strengths and growth areas to guide our subsequent work together.

Session fee of 240 is expected before session begins using cash, check or Venmo @gatestherapy.              Questions about insurance?


If you plan to arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment, you will have

 time to procure parking and fill out necessary forms.

*If you would like to meet online for your first appointment, please notify your therapist here.

Honeymoon Therapy’s office is just north of Whole Foods Market in Downtown Austin off of Lamar on West 10th.

Here’s a map.


Weekdays before 5, please use street parking, which is $1.20/hour. Please arrive in time to pay for parking and make your way up to the 2nd floor office.

Sundays, feel free to park in the building’s lot.

*Due to stay-at-home orders keeping many office workers from coming to the building, if there is parking on the WEST side of the building’s lot, feel free to park there.

The stairs in the garage lead up directly to Suite 302.


On the bookshelf when you enter will be a clipboard waiting for you with forms to complete. You may ask for copies of these for your records, or snap a photo of them.

See you soon!


Kathryn Gates

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist