That year, my body, never a temple, became a haunted house. I tried to reduce the number of rooms I carried, shutting the doors on my love handles, narrowing the hallways of my loose upper arms, and collapsing the great hall of my gut. If I made myself into a tiny studio apartment, I reasoned, I might banish all the ghosts that clung to my bones. If only I had known that as the fat dissolved, the ghouls hiding in it would wake up and begin their rampage. I would get skinny, yes. Some days I would try so hard you’d think I was trying to burn this motherfucking house down.
Elissa Washuta, My Body is a Book of Rules
The emotions woven deeply into how
and why
we relate to our bodies
are intricate.
What do you connect with in the above quote? What would you tweak to make it applicable to your experience?